2019 Cal MediConnect Stakeholder Process

As the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continue to work towards approval of a three-year extension to Cal MediConnect (CMC), we are pleased to announce an opportunity for stakeholders to help think creatively about ways to continue to strengthen and improve the demonstration program.

Stakeholders are invited to propose new ideas for how Cal MediConnect can provide a better member experience or otherwise improve care and care coordination.* Examples include programmatic improvements identified via best practices from other integrated programs, or via SCAN evaluation findings, additional topics for DHCS Cal MediConnect plan best practices meetings or strategies to continue to improve coordination with long-term services and supports providers or behavioral health providers. As much as possible, we are looking for new, CMC-specific proposals that are cost-neutral to the state and do not require changes to CMC rates.

DHCS and CMS will be accepting comments between now and February 15th through info@calduals.org. Please use this form to submit your proposal.

DHCS and CMS will review and compile those suggestions for release in March 2019 in conjunction with a webinar to review the suggestions in dialogue with stakeholders. DHCS and CMS anticipate announcing new CMC improvement initiatives in the spring of 2019, along with a timeline for implementation.

Send any questions regarding this proposal to info@calduals.org.

*Please note that the “in lieu of services” proposal is currently under consideration at DHCS as a part of a broader initiative looking at care coordination across the Medi-Cal program, and will not be considered as a part of this CMC-specific process.

  1. I wish: (1) Cal Medi-Connect would be truthful to Medicare/Medi-Cal beneficiaries. Postcards and information regarding Cal Medi-Connect are very DISHONEST and misleading! Signing up for this plan will NOT “increase my benefits,” but serve to DECREASE them. I would NOT be able to keep my existing providers, and I would lose the FREEDOM and CHOICES I’m currently allowed.
    (2) that you would respect a person’s choice to purposely opt out. I purposely opted out of Cal-Medi-Connect, yet am perpetually bombarded with flyers in the mail and pushy callers on the phone. I AM NOT INTERESTED IN CAL MEDI-CONNECT, NOR WILL I EVER BE !!! LEAVE ME ALONE !!!

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