Comment Policy

We welcome your comments and encourage visitors to engage in thoughtful and respectful discussion. All comments are moderated during regular business hours. To maintain a respectful dialogue, we are sharing our comment policy with you.

We ask that postings:

  • Stay focused. All viewpoints are welcome, but comments should remain relevant to the Duals Demonstration Program.
  • Be respectful. Personal attacks, profanity, and aggressive behavior are prohibited. Instigating arguments in a disrespectful way is also prohibited.
  • Tell the truth. Spreading misleading or false information is prohibited.
  • Do not include spam. Repeated posting of identical or very similar content in a counter-productive manner is prohibited — this includes posts aggressively promoting services or products.

We retain the discretion to determine which comments violate our comment policy. We also reserve the right to remove and/or not allow comments to get posted.

We recognize that the Web is a 24/7 medium, and your comments are welcome at any time. However, moderating and posting comments should only be expected to occur during regular business hours.

Reporters are asked to send questions to the Department of Health Care Services media office through their normal channels and to refrain from submitting questions here as comments. Reporter questions will not be posted nor answered.

In using this public area to post comments, you are solely responsible for your own communications, the consequences of posting those communications, and your reliance on any communications found in the public areas. Aurrera Health Group is not responsible for the consequences of any communications in the public areas.

Thank you for taking the time to review our comment policy. We encourage your participation in our discussion and look forward to an active exchange of ideas.