California Submits Revised Demonstration Proposal

California submitted a revised demonstration proposal Thursday to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that reflects stakeholder input received during the 30-day state comment period.

The proposal, along with version that shows edits and a summary of key changes made to the draft version in response to stakeholder comments are posted  the Department of Health Care Services Duals Demonstration Website.

The demonstration proposal is the result of an extensive design process, including robust stakeholder engagement over the past 18 months.  It reflects stakeholder comments received between April 4 and May 4, as well as strong partnerships across the departments of California’s Health and Human Services Agency.

Next, CMS will hold a 30-day public comment period, independent from the State’s process. The proposal will be posted for comment at the Integrated Care Resource Center website and  CMS Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office.

Public comments may directed to CMS through this email address

  1. The integration to managed care for those eligible for Medicare and Medi-Cal is an overall positive step. It helps maintain consistency and continuity of care which is of pinnacle importance to the population served as many have multiple diagnosis they are trying to manage themselves or with a family member. It is also a means to save the state money, and we all know how important it is to tighten our belts these days. Having worked as a health insurance agent for the past 5 years, I can’t count how many people I have helped give them piece of mind with a managed care plan compared to not being on a managed care plan. There are always concerns for those in acute situations and I pray no one suffers loss of needed services, but at the same time we need to make tough decisions to benefit the majority rather than the minority.

    • Bina

      I don’t know who you are talking about, I cannot think of having peace of mind losing my doctor of 20 years.
      I am calling my HMO doctor and the appointment is not available for 3 weeks, I don’t ha ve any alternative but to go to ER .

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