IHSS Meeting 3: Readiness and Quality Assurance

This IHSS Coordination work group meeting will focus on health plan and county readiness, as well as quality assurance in the duals demonstration.

Date: Thursday, June 14, 2 to 4 pm In Person or Via Phone

Call-in Number: Click here to get a unique dial-in and pin number.

In-person location: CA Dept of Social Services Office Building No. 9 Auditorium  744 P St. Sacramento, CA 95814 (Map link)

Meeting Materials:

  1. Gilafol

    The danger to the CMSP prgoram is real and a microcosm of the state budget overall. CMSP had a sufficient reserve but increased costs, coupled with state budget cuts steadily ate at that reserve until it is all gone. Now the CMSP prgoram is faced with requiring counties in infuse new funds (which they don’t have) or reducing services, which are already at a bare minimum.

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