Provider Outreach Meeting Summary

On June 13, 2012, the Provider Outreach and Engagement work group met in Southern California to engage in meaningful conversations, raise questions, make suggestions and voice concerns about the proposed duals demonstration.

Common themes raised in the meeting included a need for a consistent communication strategy to ensure  that accurate information is shared across the wide spectrum of stakeholders involved in the duals demonstration and that providers and health plans are looking forward to receiving additional guidance from CMS and DHCS on how to operationalize the demonstration.

Download a full summary of the meeting here:

We are interested in getting additional stakeholder feedback to the following questions:

  1. How can information sharing between the local providers, health plans and the state be improved to ensure a smooth implementation?
  2. What materials and mediums would be most helpful in educating physicians and other providers about the duals demonstration and expected changes?
  3. What questions should be included in our “Frequently Asked Questions” documents?

You may leave responses below in the comments section or submit them to with the subject “Provider outreach feedback.”

  1. sheryle stafford

    Q2. Clearly the way information is sent to, and is available to providers plays a significant role in expanding participating providers and networks. In addition to strategies already mentioned I think utilizing postcards in addition to other, more formal communications throughout the process can increase the chances providers might sign up. Postcards tend to be read as they are received and not put in a pile of generic mail. Examples – announcement card that this is coming so watch your mail for more info; a quick FYI of the most important points with a link to a full FYI; reminder to sign-up to participate; etc. All cards should include a link and reference a more detailed mailing if applicable.

    3. Question: Do I have to join a larger provider network to be eligible to participate? For small, independent providers it needs to be made clear in the FYI that they are not required to actually join a group practice but are encouraged to open dialogue with other networks as applicable.

    Question: Do I have to sign up as a provider now or can I wait to see what the demand among my patients is? I don’t know this answer. Providers who may be hesitant to sign up (especially small and/or independent providers) need to know the requirements.

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