Cal MediConnect Quality & Evaluation

Quality Measures

Cal MediConnect health plans will be required to report measures that examine access and availability, care coordination/transitions, health and well-being, mental and behavioral health, patient-caregiver experience, screening and prevention, and quality of life.

Click on the link below to download the full list of quality measures that will be tracked over the course of California’s three-year Cal MediConnect program.


CMS has contracted with an independent evaluator to measure, monitor, and evaluate the impact of the Duals Integration Demonstrations implemented nationally and in California.  The evaluator will assess how the California’s initiative operates, how it transforms and evolves over time, and beneficiaries’ outcomes, perspectives and experiences.

Target areas of the evaluation include (but are not limited to):

  • Beneficiary health status and outcomes;
  • Quality of care provided across care settings;
  • Beneficiary access to and utilization of care across care settings;
  • Beneficiary satisfaction and experience;
  • Administrative and systems changes and efficiencies;
  • Long-term care rebalancing and diversion effectiveness; and
  • Overall costs or savings for Medicare and Medicaid

Background Resources

The following documents contain quality and evaluation information relevant to the dual eligible population.

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