Duals Demonstration Update

The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) received a letter on Feb. 1, 2013 from the Director of the CMS Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office Melanie Bella, describing the ongoing work to develop the Demonstration to Integrate Care for Dual Eligible Beneficiaries.

The letter states, “We have made significant progress,” and that CMS “look[s] forward to finalizing the MOU in the near term and continuing to work in partnership toward a successful implementation beginning in September 2013.”

Per the Governor’s Budget, the timeline of beneficiary enrollment in the Coordinated Care Initiative has been pushed back to September 2013. DHCS continues to work on program development and focus on resolving outstanding financial discussions. The department looks forward to a successful conclusion of these discussions in the near future.
  1. Maggie Dee

    CMS letter to T. Douglas…
    Is the “financial” issues CMS letter indicated in January…does this have anything to do with the WellPoint buy-out of Blue Cross? Maggie

  2. Maggie Dee

    CMS letter to T. Douglas…
    Is the “financial” issues CMS letter indicated in January…does this have anything to do with the WellPoint buy-out of Blue Cross? Maggie

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