30 Day Notices Re-released for Stakeholder Feedback

The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is re-releasing for stakeholder comment the DRAFT 30 day notice for beneficiaries eligible for the Cal MediConnect program.

This notice was released for preliminary commentary from stakeholders in June 2013 and was revised based on this feedback.

DHCS is re-releasing these materials to the beneficiary notification workgroup for additional comments and discussion.

The goal of these materials is to ensure beneficiaries understand their choices.


The 30 day notice is a template notice that will be customized for different enrollment populations. These notices will be mailed to beneficiaries 30 days prior to their scheduled date of passive enrollment. Beneficiaries will have already received a 90 day and a 60 day notice about the program.

When the content is finalized, the notice will undergo a final literacy review.  The notices will also be translated into the required Medi-Cal threshold languages and will be available in accessible formats.

To Comment

Please note that DHCS’ Health Care Options Branch has not yet formatted this notice. Your comments will be most helpful on text rather than the design.

Please submit your comments to info@calduals.org by Wednesday, January 8, 2014. Please use the Comment Template . If you have questions, please email info@calduals.org.

Comments are closed.

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