Los Angeles Voluntary Notice Released for Stakeholder Comment

The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is releasing the Los Angeles voluntary notice for stakeholder comment:

  • DRAFT Los Angeles voluntary notice: The purpose of this notification is to inform current dual eligible beneficiaries that they have the option of voluntarily enrolling into a Cal MediConnect health plan. This notification also provides information on what happens if the beneficiary does not make an active choice to opt-in or opt-out of Cal MediConnect.

The goal of this notice is to ensure beneficiaries understand their choices.

When the content is finalized, the notice will undergo a final literacy review to ensure it is written at no more than a sixth-grade reading level. All the materials will be translated into the required Medi-Cal threshold languages, and will be available in accessible formats.

To Comment

Please note that the DHCS Health Care Options Branch has not yet formatted these notices. Your comments will be most helpful on text rather than on design.

Please submit your comments to info@calduals.org by Friday, January 24, 2014. Please use the Comment Template. For the accessible version of the Comment Template click here.

If you have questions, please email info@calduals.org.

  1. PSYD

    If they eliminated the passive enrollment aspect of this program, then this is very, very good news for Medicare providers. Active enrollment is the most appropriate and ethically responsible way to gain participation in this program. I still feel that individuals should be told that if they join a MediConnect plan, that they will not be able to see their current doctors unless those doctors are providers for said plan.


      I just heard about this fusion of plans and the information is just not out there about the pros and cons. I hope the State will be transparent and honest in its presentation to Seniors and Disabled with Medicare and also to those who are in the process of supplementing Medicare with Medi-Cal. I encourage them to allow enough time and enough avenues for the information to seep through for people to be informed properly. Will there be a place where people can have their questions answered and get assistance with items that are not clearly presented?

      • Admin

        Other than information you can find posted on our website in the Key Documents section, you can find assistance by calling your county’s Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP). HICAP will provide you unbiased assistance in understanding your choices. Furthermore, you can send questions you have to info@calduals.org and/or join our email list to receive updates and information.

        Thank you,


  2. PSYD

    If they eliminated the passive enrollment aspect of this program, then this is very, very good news for Medicare providers. Active enrollment is the most appropriate and ethically responsible way to gain participation in this program. I still feel that individuals should be told that if they join a MediConnect plan, that they will not be able to see their current doctors unless those doctors are providers for said plan.


      I just heard about this fusion of plans and the information is just not out there about the pros and cons. I hope the State will be transparent and honest in its presentation to Seniors and Disabled with Medicare and also to those who are in the process of supplementing Medicare with Medi-Cal. I encourage them to allow enough time and enough avenues for the information to seep through for people to be informed properly. Will there be a place where people can have their questions answered and get assistance with items that are not clearly presented?

      • Admin

        Other than information you can find posted on our website in the Key Documents section, you can find assistance by calling your county’s Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP). HICAP will provide you unbiased assistance in understanding your choices. Furthermore, you can send questions you have to info@calduals.org and/or join our email list to receive updates and information.

        Thank you,


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