Please join the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) for the upcoming Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI) Stakeholder Update. Beginning in 2018, these updates will be held quarterly, as opposed to bi-monthly. This year’s updates will be held in March, June, September, and December.
Our ongoing dialogue with stakeholders is critical to the success of the CCI and we look forward to continuing our work together to improve health care for Californians. During the updates, we will continue to review the latest Cal MediConnect enrollment information and discuss other timely topics. We will also have time to hear your feedback and answer your questions. Join us in March for the next update:
March 2018 CCI Stakeholder Update
Date: Thursday, March 15th
Time: 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Registration Link: Click here to register
Please send questions and/or comments to As always, thank you for your interest and engagement as we work on this important initiative.
You can find recordings and transcripts of past stakeholder calls and webinars here.
It was our understanding that the Cal Medi-CONNECT fee schedule would be reimbursed at Medicare allowable for the area the services are rendered. We find that our reimbursement is well below the Medicare allowable for our area, Santa Clara County.