Today, the Department of Health Care Service (DHCS) is announcing changes to its Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI) enrollment timeline in order to continue to move forward to provide high-quality, coordinated care to beneficiaries eligible for Medicare and Medi-Cal.
Throughout this process, we have said that counties would move forward as they were ready and after beneficiary protections were in place. Today, we are making two updates that will help the CCI keep these two important commitments:
Alameda County: As the result of extensive stakeholder outreach and in coordination with DHCS, the Department of Managed Health Care, Alameda Alliance for Health and local providers, the CCI will not move forward in Alameda County. This will allow Alameda Alliance for Health to remain focused on getting into a healthy financial and operational condition, and transitioning back to local control.
Orange County: We are cautiously optimistic that CalOptima will be able to resolve the issues identified in Medicare and Medi-Cal audits conducted earlier this year. To allow for more time to achieve plan readiness and to allow for appropriate notification of beneficiaries, passive enrollment in Orange County will now begin no sooner than August 2015. Opt-in enrollment in Orange County will begin no sooner than July 2015.
These changes reflect our commitment to continuing forward with the CCI in a way that best serves beneficiaries.
On an unrelated note, I watched the Cal MediConnectoons. I now have seen it all. Wasting tax payer money to create patronizing and misleading cartoons for the older adult population, really? It makes me sick to my stomach what The State is trying to do to the Medi/Medi population. Just say, “no, no, no to the HMO.”