Welcome to CalDuals.org

Workgroup PhotoTo enhance its stakeholder engagement efforts for the duals demonstration, the Department of Health Care Services has sponsored the development of this new website to inform the public about this exciting program.

This site aims to serve three primary purposes:

  1. Serve as an easy-to-use one-stop clearinghouse for up-to-date information about the demonstration.
  2. Improve stakeholder participation by creating new avenues for feedback and the exchange of ideas, particularly as it pertains to the stakeholder work groups.
  3. Personalize the project and its impact by highlighting compelling stories of real beneficiaries.

This site will complement the DHCS website, where all official documents will continue to be posted. This not an official government website. It was designed and will be maintained by Harbage Consulting.

New content will be added on an ongoing basis. Updates, reports and relevant links will be posted in a timely manner.

If you have feedback or ideas about this new site, please email Ryan MacDonald at ryan@HarbageConsulting.com.

Thanks for taking a look, and we hope you enjoy the experience.

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