The California Budget and CCI

Earlier today, the Governor released the proposed 2016-17 state budget.  This proposed budget continues the Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI) and Cal MediConnect.

The CCI is a historic undertaking to help improve the lives of low-income seniors and people with disabilities in California.  The CCI was developed with intensive consumer and stakeholder input, and is just one building block toward the state’s overall goal: to improve health outcomes and spend our health care dollars more wisely.  The budget released today reflects the Administration’s commitment to that important goal.

There are approximately 116,000 beneficiaries currently enrolled in a Cal MediConnect health plan across the seven CCI counties.  DHCS is encouraged by some early evaluation data that show these beneficiaries are confident in and satisfied with their care.  They are satisfied with their choice of doctors and hospitals, and how their different providers are working with one another to deliver their care.

DHCS has been open about the challenges that have come with trying to integrate two  very different health care systems in a way that provides improved and coordinated care to beneficiaries – challenges other states have also faced.  DHCS is working with our many partners met those challenges head on – always keeping the beneficiaries it serves at the heart of their work.  In 2016, DHCS will continue to work closely with our plan, provider, and stakeholder communities to continuously strengthen the program.

At the same time, DHCS remains concerned about the low participation rate in Cal MediConnect.  For Cal MediConnect to be successful over the long term, more eligible beneficiaries need to choose to participate in the program.  Early data shows that beneficiaries who are not participating are skeptical of change and worried about losing their current doctors.  DHCS has been working with community partners and Cal MediConnect plans to help share information about the program with eligible beneficiaries and to educate physicians, caregivers, and other trusted sources on how Cal MediConnect and coordinated care can improve the lives of their patients and loved ones.  This work will continue in 2016.  In the meantime, Cal MediConnect beneficiaries will continue to receive the benefits of coordinated, individualized care.

  1. This is not a trustworthy statement. Overwhelming numbers of patient are not satisfied with Calduals. Why is there a greater than 80% opt out rate in Los Angeles? Are these patients foolish?

    Stop spinning stories and realize the harsh truth. Calduals was a massive failure. The patients told you so.

    • ^^^^^You are so right on! Love it… They are such liars… all of these lies to get money by the state. 80% opt out rate a success? It is sickening.

  2. This is not a trustworthy statement. Overwhelming numbers of patient are not satisfied with Calduals. Why is there a greater than 80% opt out rate in Los Angeles? Are these patients foolish?

    Stop spinning stories and realize the harsh truth. Calduals was a massive failure. The patients told you so.

    • ^^^^^You are so right on! Love it… They are such liars… all of these lies to get money by the state. 80% opt out rate a success? It is sickening.

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