CCI Legislative Reports

March 2013 Readiness Report

As required by SB 1008, this report provides an update on the status of the following readiness criteria and activities:

  • Contract/Funding for Consumer Counseling and Education Services
  • Demonstration Beneficiary Communications
  • Health Plan Capitation Rates and Contracts
  • Health Plan, Provider and County Agency Agreements
  • Network Adequacy Standards
  • Beneficiary and Health Plan Issue Resolution Procedures
  • Appeals and Grievances Tracking System
  • Customer Service Training Plan
  • Continuity of Care
  • Quality Evaluation Measures
  • Health Plan Reporting Requirements

October 2012 Transition Plan

The Department of Health Care Services developed a programmatic transition with the State Department of Social Services, Department of Aging, and Department of Managed Health Care.  The transition plan describes:

  • How access and quality of service shall be maintained during and after implementation of the CCI to prevent disruption of services to beneficiaries.
  • Operational steps, timelines, and key milestones for determining when and how core beneficiary protection provisions will be implemented.
  • The process for addressing consumer complaints, including the roles and responsibilities of the departments and health plans and how those roles and responsibilities shall be coordinated.
  • How stakeholders have been included in the various phases of the planning process and how their feedback shall be taken into consideration after transition activities begin.

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