Information Sharing Workgroup

The Department of Social Services (DSS) and the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) will be hosting a second Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI) Information Sharing Stakeholder Workgroup meeting on Tuesday, April 2nd from 10:00am-12:30pm. This is a follow-up to the CCI Data Sharing Stakeholder Workgroup held last November. Materials from this meeting can be viewed here.

The purpose of this meeting is to present and discuss information sharing among the State, counties and participating health plans, as required by Senate Bill (SB) 1036.

The meeting will have in-person or call-in options for those interested in participating.

When: Tuesday, April 2nd from 10:00am – 12:30pm

Where: This meeting will be located at the Department of Social Services Auditorium: 744 P Street in Sacramento, OB 9, 2nd Floor, Room 205. Please allot time for check-in at the front desk.

Call-in Number: Click here to get a unique dial-in and pin number.

  1. 1. Please specify or clarify the difference between Data
    Sharing and information sharing?
    2. What will be the CCI County’s role related to both of these aspects of CCI (data sharing/information sharing)?
    3. Will the State provide Health Plans with access to CMIPS data? If so, what data will counties have to provide?
    4. Will it be specific county information such as # of Recipients/Providers; ethnic make-up of the recipients, etc.?
    5. How often will the counties be responsible for providing this information? Monthly, quarterly??
    6. Will the data sharing/information sharing be specifically for the use of the Interdisciplinary Care Teams?
    7. Will the health plan be responsible to provide the county with information that we request (i.e. information county may need in conjunction with conducting an assessment)?

  2. 1. Please specify or clarify the difference between Data
    Sharing and information sharing?
    2. What will be the CCI County’s role related to both of these aspects of CCI (data sharing/information sharing)?
    3. Will the State provide Health Plans with access to CMIPS data? If so, what data will counties have to provide?
    4. Will it be specific county information such as # of Recipients/Providers; ethnic make-up of the recipients, etc.?
    5. How often will the counties be responsible for providing this information? Monthly, quarterly??
    6. Will the data sharing/information sharing be specifically for the use of the Interdisciplinary Care Teams?
    7. Will the health plan be responsible to provide the county with information that we request (i.e. information county may need in conjunction with conducting an assessment)?

  3. mildred

    For Subacute level of care for the 8 counties, residents currently receiving this type of care – are the criteria for admission to a subacute level of care (i.e, trach, vents, etc) going to remain the same? If so, are the managed care plans also going to pay same payment as set by Medi-Cal?

  4. mildred

    For Subacute level of care for the 8 counties, residents currently receiving this type of care – are the criteria for admission to a subacute level of care (i.e, trach, vents, etc) going to remain the same? If so, are the managed care plans also going to pay same payment as set by Medi-Cal?

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