Good afternoon,
Today, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is announcing a change to its Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI) enrollment timeline as we continue to move forward to provide high-quality, coordinated care to beneficiaries eligible for Medicare and Medi-Cal.
Throughout this process, we’ve said that counties would move forward as they were ready and as beneficiaries’ protections were in place. DHCS has adjusted the enrollment dates for subpopulations and counties in order to increase beneficiary clarity, provide sufficient time for noticing, and ensure plan readiness.
Today, we are announcing changes in the timeline for Alameda and Orange Counties. Enrollment in Alameda and Orange Counties is being adjusted to July 2015 to allow more time to achieve plan readiness. You can find the revised CCI enrollment chart here.
This change reflects our commitment to continuing forward with the CCI in a way that best serves beneficiaries.