CCI Stakeholder Meeting: Enrollment Strategy

This stakeholder meeting will focus on a discussion around the enrollment strategy for the Coordinated Care Initiative. The following documents will be referenced during the meeting:

  • Notice Content Flow Chart —  This document includes sample bullet points that could be included in the notices under the staggered enrollment strategy.


  1. Erika Garcia

    Will this call (August 7, 3 – 4:30 pm
    ) be recorded?

    • Sarah

      Recordings of the meetings are not kept and published on the website. There will however be a summary of the meeting key points written and posted.

      • Erika Garcia

        Thank you

  2. Tatiana Fassieux

    How will you identify duals who have reduced their countable income by purchasing a Medicare supplement or a higher premium Part D, in order to retain their zero Share-of-cost status?
    and will these individuals be exempt from the project?

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