Department of Managed Health Care Webinars and Fact Sheets Available

Recently the Department of Managed Health Care announced an upcoming series of webinars designed to support people who work with elderly and disabled populations in making informed choices about their health care. The webinars will occur on July 21, 22, 23, and 24 and is designed for organizations which provide information and guidance to:

  • individuals to help them understand and receive community services
    including healthcare,
  • to people with disabilities and their families to obtain needed support
    services and access to home and community services
  • to seniors and their families to understand complex home and community
    based services.To find out more about these webinars, read their fact sheet.

Additionally, DMHC has also created several fact sheets and a brochure to help people over 65 or living with a disability understand their health care choices. Read more about these resources by reading this fact sheet.

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