Contact Us

Note: is not part of any government agency. This site is operated by independent consultants specifically to provide information about the Coordinated Care Initiative on behalf of the Department of Health Care Services.

    Speaker Request

    Are you hosting an event or conference and would like someone to provide a presentation about the Coordinated Care Initiative?

    Whether you qualify for Cal MediConnect or provide health care services for people who do, learn more about the CCI by requesting a presentation or training from one of our staff members.

    Provide Feedback / Email Us

    To provide feedback on this website or the stakeholder engagement process, or for other contact purposes, please email

    Please do not send any personal health information to Contact the health plan(s), HICAP or Health Care Options in your county instead.

    We cannot answer specific questions related to program eligibility and have no information about your benefits. If you have questions or need help with your benefits, please contact Medicare or Medi-Cal.