This insert was mailed to English-speaking consumers with their 90-day notice (first letter) and to consumers who speak other languages with their 60-day notice (second letter).
Thank you for visiting CalDuals. The Cal MediConnect program is transitioning to Medicare Medi-Cal Plans. All Cal MediConnect plans and benefits will remain active and available through December 31, 2022. On January 1, 2023, Cal MediConnect members will be automatically transitioned to Medicare Medi-Cal Plans (MMPs or Medi-Medi Plans) provided by the same companies as Cal MediConnect. Medi-Medi Plans will have the same or similar networks as Cal MediConnect, and integrated care similar to Cal MediConnect. Important information on Cal MediConnect will still be available on the CalDuals website and the DHCS website. To learn more, please visit the DHCS Integrated Care for Duals website.